Dear Facebook users,
Check out our events page for the upcoming AJQ gig featuring Anita Ibrahim.
AJQ featuring Anita Ibrahim @ Bangkok Jazz, Saturday 28th February*In the videos section, you'll find a live video recording taken by Jeffny Kamar (an upcoming saxophonist- his videos also available on facebook).Book your seats!
(seriously....if you want to sit down....please make a reservation....or you can stand and dance....on second thought....don't book your seats... i'll be standing most of the night...and i could do with some standing company...)Call: 03-2145 7065 or 012-3955662 (Bangkok Jazz Reservations, after 5pm daily)
The confirmed line-up (is very special because Terrence and Steve are playing at Alexis, as well!)
Drums (1st time with AJQ):
Wagner DanielKeyboards (1st BJAZZ gig with AJQ):
Ywenna CarollinBass (veteran jazz-samurai):
Hiro Nakamura...I mean Maekawa...I mean... Jon John....ask me at the show, lah....
Sax and vocals:
(your friendly neighbourhood)
Adil Johan (... i know, I'm a nerd...but nerds are cool....:P)
and on....
(cue drum roll, Wagner!!!)Vocals:
Guaranteed coolness throughout the show- catch some old-school, some new-school, some to0-cool for school, some old-new-too-cool instruments....
I have to0 much to say...
but yet it is all....nothing....
thanks again.